Gravity on the Moon and its effects

    When Neil Armstrong first welded on the Moon’s surface he did so in leaps and bounds he found it easy to pick up things since there was a weak counter gravitational force on the Moon. The Moon has a gravity which is one-sixth of the Earth’s. As it revolves around the Earth its gravitational field, though weak produces tides in the Earth’s oceans. 

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    Though the Earth holds back the oceans with its own gravitational force, the Moon’s gravity tends to pull the water as a result of which tides are product. Tides are produced due to the Sun’s gravity as well. The Sun’s gravity produced what we call the Neap tides, and when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun as shown in the diagram it produces the spring tides. With two gravitational forces acting upon the Earth in the latter situation, the Spring tides have a higher tides range as compared to the Neap tides.
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