AL-Bukhari has written on this subject in his chapter on Cupping, The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded cupping to be used, and said, "There are no remedies comparable to cupping and blood letting." This hadith was…
Emission through Sexual Intercourse Jabir has transmitted a hadith of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which says, "Go and take a virgin as your wife whom you will caress and who will caress you." Jabir said, "The …
The Excretion Nature must be softened as regards what she retains by using such foods as a decoction of safflower and raisins. More Topics : Sleeping For Health Among the laxatives which soften nature as regards what she retains are dried roses, Syr…
Human Reproductive System Life on our planet has evolved, developed and continued because all creatures have some system which allows them to reproduce. The system of recreating life is called reproduction. Both male and female human beings have rep…
The Genitro-Urinary System Waste products from the body are regularly let out both in liquid and solid form. The system in the body which is responsible for the production of liquid waste or urine is called the Urinary system. The prime organs…
Mouth and Teeth Our mouth is an inlet in our body which allows us to eat, drink and breathe. The mouth has a hard palate at the top and the tongue at the bottom, surrounded by the teeth, and leading into the throat at the back. The tongue is a …
Heart and blood Blood cells carry nourishment to all parts of our body through a network of arteries and veins and an average adult body contains about 4.5 liters of blood. Blood is red in colour and is made up of three types of cells, i.e., Red …
Ears and Sound Our ears not only allow us to hear sounds, thus preventing the world from becoming a silent one, but also act as organs of balance. They collect sounds from the air and pass them to the brain in thick form of nerve signals. More …
Blood groups and blood pressure All blood looks red in colour but in reality its composition may be different. Blood contains red cells and on the surface of these cells are factors called antigens. Antigens are of two types, i.e., antigen ‘A’ an…
Arteries and veins The lifeline for oxygen and nutrients to the entire body consists of a complex network of tubes called arteries and veins. These deliver nutrients and oxygen to the various parts of the body and collect waste and toxic substance …
The Respiratory System Life thrived on Earth primarily because of presence of Oxygen in the air. All animals and creatures living on earth have respiratory systems of various kinds, some may have lungs, others like fish may use gills, and yet o…
The Digestive System As we bite into something we want to eat and begin to chew, we initiate the activity of our digestive system. As our teeth crush the food, a watery substance called ‘Saliva’, from our salivary glands, gets mixed into the fo…
Skin and Sweating Skin is an elastic and waterproof outer layer covering of our body. It protects our body from bacteria and is sensitive to heat, cold and pain. Skin is wear resistant sice it constantly renews itself by replacing the upper lay…
Coming out of the base of the brain is a cluster of nerves which spread all over the body forming the nervous system. The brain stem leads into the spinal cord which extends along the vertebrae upto the tail bone. From the central nerve stem peri…
Chemicals which help our body to stay healthy are called vitamins. These are of six types, i.e., Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. Vitamin B can further be broken down into a number of types. Vitamins are present in our body but in very small quanti…
The Nose and Smell The nose helps us in breathing and smelling things. The outer side of the nose is made of thick skin which is supported outwards with the help of a cartilage protruding outwards from the skull. The cartilage divides the nose …
Eye and vision As we read through this book, we saw a lot of written text, and pictures, we were able to see the images and read the text with our eyes. The old saying ‘seeing is believing’ quite appropriately defines the importance and necessi…
Out body and its systems Our body is a wonderful machine made of billions upon billions of tiny cells. Our body is capable of many feets which include coordination between its various parts and balancing in various situations. The cells in our …