All blood looks red in colour but in reality its composition may be different. Blood contains red cells and on the surface of these cells are factors called antigens. Antigens are of two types, i.e., antigen ‘A’ and antigen ‘B’. Blood which contains cells with antigen ‘A’ is called blood type A and blood which contains cells with antigen ‘B’ is called blood type B. There are persons who may have both antigens on their blood cells, this type is classified as blood type AB. It is quite possible that a person may have neither of the two antigens in his blood cells, such blood is classified as blood type O.
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Besides the antigens, blood also contains antibodies of two types, i.e., antibody A and antibody B. antibody A attacks antigen A and antibody B attacks antigen B thus causing red blood cells to clump together. It is quite possible that blood type B may contain antibody B and vice versa, blood type AB may have neither and blood type O may have both. Correct classification of blood is important for blood transfusion from one person to another. It is for these reasons that blood type A should not be mixed with blood type but blood type O can be given to anybody however a person of blood type O can receive only blood type O.
Blood is flowing within the body at a certain rate and pressure and there are two points when it is measured, i.e., when the heart is contracting and the other when the heart is resting. The former is called Systolic pressure and the later is called Diastolic pressure. The measurement is carried out by a doctor with the help of a instrument called the Sphygmomano meter.
The average blood pressure in a person should be in the range of 120/80. blood pressure varies with age and abnormally high blood pressure is an indication of an ailment called hypertension which can cause heart failure if not treated properly.