The time zones

    While the Sun is rising on one part of the Earth, it is seting elsewhere, this is a result of the Earth's rotation on its axis. In order to keep a track of time in different parts of the world, the Earth is divided into various times zones. 

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    These time zones mark the different setting of clocks in various parts of the world. The time in each zone is so set that the clocks show 12 noon at midday. The calculation of time between the zones is simple, i.e., if we were to move towards the east from London then we would add one hour for each time zone that we would cross and if we were to move westward from London, then we would decrease one hour for each time zone that we would cross. Between the western coast of North America, and the eastern coastline of Asia & Australia there is an imaginary line running from the North Pole to the south Pole called the International Date line. 

    If we were to cross this line while travelling from say San Francisco to "Tokyo" then we would add one full day and the reverse if we were travelling from Tokyo to San Francisco.
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