The Phoenicians

    Along the coast of the Mediterranean were located a large number of cities inhabited by the Phoenicians. These people were skilled ship builders and traders. Their ships had sails and rudders and were rowed by a large group of men. All the cities of this area were linked by sea. 

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    The Phoenicians traded in many things amongst which the most famous ones were Ivory, cloth, Jewelry, glass, dyes, etc. Most of their trading was done through the part of Carthage while they also spread into Rhodes, Cyprus, Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, etc. The Phoenicians sailed to the trading port in ships and displayed and sold their wares on the beaches. Phoenicia was, over the years, conquered by the Persians, Assyrians and the Babylonians but trading continued till the Greeks came to this area which led to the downfall of the Phoenicians.
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