Who's Who

    Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him)(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) (570-630) was born in Mecca and was the founder of Islam. He (PBUH) was the last prophet of Allah.

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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was the sixteenth President of the USA.
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    Martin Luther King (Jr.) (1929-1968) was a baptist minister and Negro leader. Moses was a Hebrew leader and law giver. M.K. Gandhi (1868-1948) was a great keader and the Father of India. Nebuchadnezzar (Died 562 B.C.) was the king of Babylonia. Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was an English Statesman and Lord Protector. Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) was a German statesman and first Chancellor. Plato (427-347 B.C.) was a Athenian philosopher and disciple of Socrates. Queen Elizabith-I (1533-1603) English Queen and daughter of Henry VIII. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) was a Queen of Great Britain and its colonies. Saladin (1137-1193) was a great Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Socrates (469-399 B.C.) was a great philosopher and son of a Sculptor. Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English dramatist and poet. Taimur lang (1336-1404) was a famous Mongol conqueror. Tutankhamen (Died in 1340 B.C.) was a famous king of Egypt. Vladimir Lenin (1817-1924) was a revolutionary and under of Soviet Union. William the Conqueror (1027-1087) was a famous king of England. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was an English politician and Prime Minister.
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