The Years as they went by

    The years as they went by BC 1000000 The first human being arrive in Europe. 800000 The first human being come to Asia from Africa. 40000 The Aborigines arrive in Australia from Southheast Asia. 40000 The first people arrive in the Americas from Siberia. 15000 First cave art produced in Brazil in South America. 9000 Palestinians domesticate the first sheep in the world. 8350 The world's first known walled city is founded in Jericho. 7000 Cattle herding begins in the Sahara. 6500 Farming begins in the Balkans and Greece. 3500 The wheel is invented by the Sumerians. 3250 Sumerians build the first city and invent picture writing. 3200 Pottery is made in Ecuador and Colombia in South America. 3000 Hieroglyphic writing is developed by the Egyptians. 2600 The Great Pyramid at Giza is built in Egypt. 2500 Indus Valley civilization thrives in India. 

    2000 The Maya settlements begin in Central America. 2000 The first people arrive in New Guinea. 1900 Mycenaean civilization begins in Greece. 1750 The Babylonian empire is established by Hamurabi. 1503 Hatshepshut, a woman pharaoh begins her reign in Ehypt. 1500 Establishing of Hindu religion begins in India. 1300 The first people reach Fiji. 1250 Trojan war takes place between the Mycenaean and Greeks. 1200 Judaism begins in Palestine. 1150 The Olmecs of Mexio develop Picture writing and numbers. 900 The kingdom of Meroe is established and towns are built. 814 The city of Carthage is founded by the Phoenecians. 776 The first Olympic Games are held in Greece. 753 The Romulus and Remus brothers found Rome. 750 Homer composes the lliad and other epic poems. 671 Egypt is conquered by the Assyrians. 650 The world's first coins are produced. 551 Confucius, the Chinese philospher is born. 500 The Nok culture begins in Nigeria. 500 Most of Europe is occupied by the Celts. 332 Tgypt is conquered by Alexander the Great. 300 Political and religious centres are built by the Mayans. 290 The greatest library is founded in Alexandria in Egypt. 200 Great Wall of China is built as a-protection from invaders. 146 Greece is conquered by the Romans. 100 The first Camels arrive in the Sahara from Arabia. AD 44 Romans assassinate Julius Caesar. 100 The civilisation of Aksum is established in Ethiopia. 100 The Chinese invent paper. 300 The first people arrive in Polynesia. 500 Most of Europe is over-run by Bardarian tribes. 641 Egypt is occupied by Islamic Arabs. 700 Weaving of tapestries begins in Peru. 793 Northern Europe is raided by the Vikings. 868 The world's first Book is printed in China. 900 Toltecs create an empire in Central America. 950 Polynesians settle in New Zealand and the Pacific islands. 971 The 'first university is founded in Cairo, Egypt. 1000 The invention of gunpowder is perfected by the Chinese. 1000 European Vikings arrive in North America. 1096 The first Crusade from England leaves for Palestine. 1150 A European university is founded in Paris. 1206 The conquest of Asia is initiated by the Mongols. 1259 Kublai Khan becomes the ruler of China. 1290 Ottoman Empire rises to power. 1290 Spectacles for reading are invented in Italy. 1300 Bronze art and casting at its best in the Benin kingdom. 1333 Millions die in China from drought and plague. 1348 Bubonic plague kills one third of the European population. 1421 Peking (now called Beijing) becomes the Chinese capital. 1430 Great Zimbabwe is built. 1445 Gutenberg creates the first printed book with movable type. 1453 Constantinople is captured by the Ottoman Turks. 1488 Barholomew Dias travels around the Cape of Good Hope. 1492 Explorer Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribean. 1494 America is divided between Spain & Portugal. 1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India. 1499 Amerigo Vespucci explores South America. 1510 First African slaves are taken to the Caribbean. 1516 Charles-V of Spain expands the Hapsburg empire. 1517 The German monk Martin Luther begins the reformation. 1519 Ferdinand Magellan Begins his voyage around the world. 1519 Hemando Cortes conquers Mexico and the Aztec empire. 1531 Copernicus suggests that Earth revolves around the sun. 1555 American tobacco is taken to Europe. 1556 The Mughal emperor Akbar the Great comes to power in India. 1600 The East India trading company is founded by the English. 1603 Scotland and England are united. 1606 Australia is visited by Willem Jansz. 1620 May flower arrives in New England with the Pilgrim fathers. 1628 William Harvey discovers circulation of Blood. 1636 Harvard College is founded in North America. 1642 Abel Tasman sails around Australia and reaches New Zealand. 1648 Shag Jahan builds the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife. 1649 Russians reach the Pacific Ocean after conquering Siberia. 1652 Dutch settlers set up a colony in Cape of Good Hope. 1665 Isaac Newton discovers the principles of grvity. 1682 Peter the Great becomes the next Czar of Russia. 1683 The Ottoman siege fo Vienna fails. 1710 Russians conquer the Swedish provinces in the Baltic. 1770 Captain Cook claims Australia for Britain. 1783 Simon Bolivar, the liberator of South America, is born. 1787 Sierra Leone in West Africa becomes a British colony. 1787 Dollar is introduced as currency in the United States. 

    1788 First British convicts are sent to Australis. 1789 Revolution breaks out in France. 1791 Slave uprising in Haiti, against the French. 1795 Dutch hand over the Cape of Good Hope to the British. 1803 France sells a vast area of land back to the United States. 1805 Nelson defeats the French fleet in the battle of Trafalgar. 1822 United States sets up Liberia as a home for freed slaves. 1825 The first passenger railway is established in Britain. 1826 English settlers and aboriginals fight in Tasmania. 1835 Boers move north from the Cape to escape the Britain. 1840 Penny Black, the first postage stamp, is issued in Britain. 1840 New Zealand becomes a British colony. 1846 Famine in Ireland due to crop failure. 1848 Karl Marx writes the manifesto for the Communists. 1849 Californian gold rush begins. 1851 Gold discovered in Australia, gold rush begins. 1852 The elevator is invented by Otis. 1857 Indian Mutiny breaks out against British rule. 1859 The theory of evolution is published by Charles Darwin. 1860 Willis and Burke cross Australia from coast to coast. 1861 Outbreak of Civil War in the United States. 1867 Canada attains independence. 1869 Railway is built across United States from coast to coast. 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. 1877 The Phonograph is invented by Thomas Edison. 1895 Marconi invents the Radio. 1899 Boer War breaks out between the British and the Boers. 1901 Australia become independent. 1902 Marie and Pierre Curie descover radium. 1903 Wright brothers fly for the first time. 1907 New Zealand gains independence. 1910 The Union of South Africa is created. 1911 China become a republic. 1912 The 'Model T' car is produced b Henry Ford. 1914 World War-I begins. 1917 Outbreak of the Russian Revolution. 1917 United States enters World War-I. 1918 End of the Ottoman Empire. 1920 Mahatma Gandhi begins the campaign for India's independence. 1921 Mao Ze Dong forms the Chinese Communist Party. 1922 The Irish Free State is created. 1926 Hirohito becomes the emperor of Japan. 1927 Canberra becomes the capital of Australia. 1929 Financial crisis and depression begins in America. 1930 Economic depression all over Europe. 1935 Ethiopia is conquered by Italy. 1939 World War-II begins. 1939 German scientists Hahn and Strassman discover atomic energy. 1941 Japanses attack Pearl Harbour in America. 1941 Japan invades the islands in the Pacific and Australia. 1945 United Nations is established in United States. 1945 Australian government pays for Europeans to migrate. 1945 Atom bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. 1947 Palestine is partitioned into Arab and Jewish States. 1947 India and Pakistan become independent. 1948 Israel is founded by the Jews. 1949 Apartheid and colour discrimination begins in South Africa. 1949 Communists take power after the revolution in China. 1949 Noth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is formed. 

    1950 Nuclear tests are carried out in the Pacifc Islands. 1954 Nasser becomes the premier of Egypt. 1958 The Silicone Chip is developed. 1961 Fidel Castro crushes the invasion of Cuban exiles. 1961 The Berlin Wall is built by the Communists and Russians. 1962 Algeria wins independence from Japan. 1963 Organization of African Unity (OAU) is founded. 1965 Rhodesia declares independence from Britain. 1966 Mao Ze Dong begins a cultural revolution in China. 1967 Civil war breaks out in Nigeria. 1967 Six-Day War between Arabs and Israelis. 1969 Apollo XI takes U.S. astronauts to the moon. 1975 Moroccans begin occupation of the Spanish Sahara. 1980 Rhodesia becomes independent and is renamed Zimbabwe. 1980 Iran-Iraq War breaks out. 1984 Ten-year drought leads to famine in Ethiopia. 1984 Indira Gandhi assassinated. 1989 Military crushes. Democracy movement in Beijing. 1989 The Berlin Wall comes down. 1989 Namibia becomes independent from South Africa. 1990 Nelson Mandela and other black African leaders released. 1990 East and West Germany unite. 1991 Rajiv Gandhi assassinated. 1993 Sri Lanka President R.Premdasa assassinated. 1994 Miss Sushmita Sen of India is crowned Miss Universe in Manila. 

    1994 Arafat and Rabin awarded Nobel Peace Prize. 1995 INSAT-2C an indigenous satellite is launcded. 1995 Earthquake kills 380 in Japan. 1997 Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping dies in Beijing. 1997 Grand Master Gary Kasparov loses to IBM's Deep Blue Computer. 1997 Over 3000 people are killed in an Earthquake in Iran. 1997 U.S. spacebrates 50 years of independence. 1997 Hong Kong is handed back to China after 156 years of British rule. 1997 India Celebrates 50 years of independence. 1997 Diana Hayden of India is crowned Miss World. 1998 Mohd. Rafiq Tarar is sworn in as President of Pakistan. 1999 Severe Syclone hits eastern coast of India, thousands die in Orissa. 2000 Priyanka Chopra of India is crowned Miss World 2000. 2001 The Nepalese king, Queen and members of the Poyal Family are assassinated. 2001 Terrorists crash planes into World Trade Towers and the Pentagon in U.S.A. 2003 Saddam Hussein is captured by American forces in Iraq.
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