Showing posts from May, 2023

Youm-e-Takbeer Pakistan, 28 May

It was on 28 May 1998 that Pakistan became the first nuclear power in the Islamic world and the seventh in the world after the United States, the Russian Federation (former Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France, China and India. 28 May, Youm-e-Ta…

Emission through Sexual Intercourse

Emission through Sexual Intercourse Jabir has transmitted a hadith of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which says, "Go and take a virgin as your wife whom you will caress and who will caress you." Jabir said, "The …

The Excretion

The Excretion Nature must be softened as regards what she retains by using such foods as a decoction of safflower and raisins.  More Topics : Sleeping For Health Among the laxatives which soften nature as regards what she retains are dried roses, Syr…

Sleeping for the Health

Sleeping for the Health The best time to go to sleep is after food has been digested. It is wise to start off sleeping on the right side, just as the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to do. This was confirmed by 'Ayesha when …

Movement and Rest of the body for Health

Movement and Rest of the body for Health Know then that moderate exercise is a most efficacious means of preserving good health. It warms the organs, and dissolves waste products, and makes the body light and active. The best time for it is after foo…

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