Signs of health in human
The fourth of the four areas into which the theory of medicine is divided deals with the theory of signs.
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Black hair and a black body are signs of heat - and the opposite a sign of cold. Similarly, with a fat body or a thin body. An excess of flesh' is a sign of heat combined with wetness. An excess of fat is a sign of cold combined with wetness. In the same way, an excessive desire for sleep is a sign of wetness, whereas a diminished desire is a sign of dryness. A moderate desire is the sign of a balanced temperament.
Similarly, the appearance of the organs is a sign. Capacious organs are a sign of hotness, and the opposite a sign of coldness. In the same way, dreams indicate temperaments. Seeing colours like yellow or red, or flashes of light, all these are signs of hotness and their opposites are signs of coldness. Again, excess of body odour is a sign of heat, and lack of it a sign of coldness.