The Causes of Disease

 Causes of disease 

The third of the four areas into which the theory of medicine is divided deals with the theory of causes, or aetiology.

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Theory of medicine has following topics

Now, there are six Causes:

The first of these is Air. Air is essential to keep the self evenly balanced, for as long as air remains pure, no debility is mixed within it, and no impure wind. It is an invisible protection.

Each season produces diseases compatible with it, and expels what is incompatible. Thus, summer causes bile and results in bilious diseases, but cures cold diseases. And the like can be said of the other seasons.

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Cold air is strengthening and improves the digestion. Hot air has just the reverse effect. A change in the air is a cause of pestilence, and this wil! be described later, insh'Allah.
The second cause is Food and Drink. When hot, these produce heat in the body, and vice versa.
The third cause is Bodily Movement and Rest. Movement causes warmth in the body, and vice versa.
The fourth cause is Emotional Movement and Rest, as occurs in cases of anger, joy, ànxiety, grief and shame. These states set the self in motion - certainly inwardly, but also outwardly apparent. I will return to these later, insh'Allah.
The fifth cause is Waking and Sleeping. sleep makes the self bubble within the body, although it cools it outwardly, so the sleeper needs some outer covering. Wakefulness is just the opposite of this.
The sixth cause is Emission and Retention. A balance between these protects health.

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